Tifosi.com provides this website, all the content under this domain, and its services to you subject to the following conditions.
When you or your agents visit any site provided by Tifosi.com (including, but not limited to, tifosi.com, pukingcat.com, throwawaydomain.com and annasmom.com), you accept these conditions. Please read them carefully.
In consideration for accessing any of Tifosi.com's websites or other services, Tifosi.com grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this site. This license prohibits your downloading (other than page caching) or modifying any portion of it, except with express, written consent of Tifosi.com. This license does not allow resale of Tifosi.com's services. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of Tifosi.com without express written consent. You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing Tifosi.com's name or trademarks without the express written consent of Tifosi.com. Any unauthorized use automatically terminates the permission or license granted by Tifosi.com and may incur legal liabilities for any damages.
You are granted a limited, revocable, and nonexclusive right to create a hyperlink to any page within the site, so long as the link does not portray Tifosi.com, its affiliated websites, or its services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use any of Tifosi.com's proprietary graphics or trademarks as part of the link without express written permission.
Special restrictions on the above license apply to non-human visitors to any site governed by this agreement. "Non-human visitors" include, but are not limited to, web spiders, bots, indexers, robots, crawlers, or harvesters. Such non-human visitors are restricted from signing up for accounts or taxing the resources of the website or any service provided by Tifosi.com beyond what would be typical of a human visitor.
Because of their potential for abuse, in consideration for access to the site, non-human visitors are required to read and observe the industry standard restrictions as set forth in the robots.txt file included at the root level of every domain governed by this agreement. The restrictions provided for in this file shall be considered an addendum to this agreement when applicable to non-human visitors. The robots.txt file specifies restrictions to the directories non-human visitors may access. Non-human visitors accessing directories beyond what is allowed by the robots.txt file is recognized by the parties to this agreement as trespass and expressly prohibited.
Furthermore, as specified by the "no-email-collection" flag in the header of every web page and the robots.txt file, email addresses on this site are considered proprietary intellectual property of Tifosi.com. It is understood that these email addresses are provided for human visitors alone, and have value in part because they are only accessable to said human visitors. Intentional collection, harvesting, gathering, or otherwise storing email addresses by non-human visitors is recognized under this agreement as theft or diminution of value of Tifosi.com's intellectual property and expressly prohibited.
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